The Klan ~ by Imperial Wizard Cole Thornton
Are you as tired as I am of hearing everyone’s expert opinion on the Klan? Funny thing is most of the ones who talk about the Klan have no real idea of what the REAL Klan is. They have cloudy concepts. Bits and pieces from shows like Jerry Springer, Mississippi Burning, or any number of Hollywood pieces of hype. Worse yet, the Southern Poverty Law Center and their tales of horror. Of course if I got the tens of millions in donations that they get I would want the Klan to look as bad as possible too so I didn’t cut off the income from those who live in such “fear” of the Klan.
What one sees of the Klan is but as the tip of an iceberg. The major body lies beneath the surface not visible to the human eye. This is also where the largest solid mass of the Klan exists, beneath the surface. The genuine Klan is not made up of a bunch who like to be seen in public, usually with 5 to 10 members standing in front of some public building doing nothing much more the causing a disturbance. The REAL Klan is made up of people who live a life of sacrifice and doing for others.
People call us “racists”. We are not racists but we are separatists. We believe God is His infinite wisdom created the races different with different characteristics and each with a different culture. By race mixing we are really destroying God’s own work. We are also eliminating the white race and that is a fact. Whites are not reproducing in the numbers that others are. They are controlling their birth rates mainly because of financial responsibility. Add to this the fact that many are now engaging in open homosexual relationships and they do not reproduce,(thankfully) and others are involved in race mixed relationships and they do not reproduce whites either. We also have hundreds of thousands who are using abortion as a form of birth control, also eliminating more whites. These are all facts. Meanwhile we “reward” minorities by giving them increased welfare assistance for each child they have.
We do put out informative fliers and newsletters and are labeled “racist hate mongers” for this. Our information comes from organizations like the Department of Justice, the F.B.I., the National News Medias, and local law enforcement agencies. More facts. I guess because people do not like the statistics, it is our fault. Meanwhile, organizations like the Black Panthers and others can call for the murder of all whites and nothing is said or done about it. Even when they preach this hate on national t.v., it is largely ignored. Is there anything more racist then calling for the murder of people simply because of their color? If we as Klansmen did that we would be in jail before the sun went down.
Where people get confused is thinking the Klan is one large group. It is not. The Klan today is made up of bunches of groups and honestly, some of them are no more genuine Klan than a Jew is Catholic. These “rogue” groups do not follow tradition, or protocol of the original Klan. They basically do their own thing and in my opinion should be shut down. Some of their “leaders” are in it for nothing more than being able to make money from their members. In the U.N.S.K. not one member gets one dime from any income we have, and, the financial records are there to prove it. We file a tax form with the I.R.S. each year and account for each penny that comes in and each one that goes out. Many times we take up private donations to help someone in need and no, it is not always just a Klansman who we help. One donation we gave this year was to a fund set up for the families of two police officers who were murdered in the line of duty. It didn’t go as a donation from the Klan either, (but one particular individual who works on the committee for fallen police officers knows it was from us). We don’t do things like this for publicity, but because it is the right thing to do. Helping those in real need, regardless of color. Yes, that is a fact too.
Ever since the Klan was started there have been numerous times that they helped people of color who were in real need. They have built churches, given food donations, monetary donations, clothing, even helped ones who were being threatened. These are all provable facts. Did any Klansmen ever do wrong? Certainly. Name one organization who never had anyone do anything wrong. Even our blessed Saviour had a Judas who betrayed Him. Peter denied him 3 times. Did this make all of the disciples bad? Of course not. Does a few police officers doing something wrong make the whole lot bad? Certainly not. Neither does a few Klansmen doing something wrong make us all evil.
If people were to really research the true beliefs and works of the REAL Klan, they would have a whole new concept on what the Klan really is. We ARE a true Christian order and no one is admitted without a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are by our own constitution not racists. We are not allowed to persecute others because of their color or religious beliefs. We are sworn to non-violence, in the offensive manner. (Now, the thing here is IF someone or group attacks us, then by all means we WILL defend our family with every means at our disposal). We do not take violent offenders, child molesters, drug users, alcoholics, perverts, or the like and we do extensive background checks to keep these kinds out. We also work with law enforcement of all levels. We anonymously provide information on a number of things we find going on. We follow and believe in the works and teachings of Jesus Christ. Not some watered down feel good hype religion but the one true word of God, the Holy Bible, literally.
Given all of this, then why are we so persecuted? Go to the good book and see what the Lord had to say about that. Pick up your cross and follow me. He promised that His followers would be tormented, tested and persecuted. That they would live and face hard times and even be put to death for believing in and following Him. As we see more and more today with the divide of good versus evil in the world Christians are routinely being killed around the world for their belief in Christ. Right here in America more and more Christians are being abused for their beliefs. One thing about us, we will not stumble, we will not fail and we will not surrender our religious beliefs to anyone or anything. We are in this for the long haul.
Wait a minute, you say. What about the Klan groups that I saw on shows like the History Chanel, or Springer, or where ever? I would suggest you do as we do and keep a good healthy distance from them as they are not real Klan nor are they in it for the right reasons. Like I tell our people, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. When they promise you things like big titles, or huge publicity, or tales of fame and fortune, then you better watch out as they are not genuine and it will wind up costing you.
Stop and think for a minute. If the Klan was so evil, and full of hate and wrong doers, do you think millions of good Christian people would have joined back in the twenties? They had a much higher respect and obeying of the church and Christian ideals then society does today. They, and people like them are what makes the Klan what it is. You can belong to a legal organization like the U.N.S.K. and walk proudly as you are living and doing the things that we as followers of Christ are supposed to do. If you are thinking of joining another group, and yes there are a few good groups out there, do your homework very carefully and watch what you are joining.
Why The UNSK? ~ By Imperial Wizard Cole Thorton
This is a very good question and one that is asked by almost every potential member. There are many answers to this, and many reasons why the U.N.S.K. should be the Klan of choice.
We are a traditional Klan that not only calls itself traditional but lives the traditional Klan life and ways. We teach original Klankraft to our members. We encourage studies on this and value the ones who achieve the ranks and move up. We research continuously the way the Klan was originally meant to be, what it stood for, and what it did. We do our best to follow in these footsteps.
The U.N.S.K. is a family, not just in words but in actions. As a family we do not take just anyone into our ranks. Our application process and background check system is one of the toughest around. If you do not meet our requirements for membership, then you do not get in. We turn down a lot of people. Drugs are strictly forbidden, and so is the abuse of alcohol. Violence in one’s character is another that is reason for denial; naturally any sexual predator crimes or crimes against children. Our family members only want people that they all can feel safe around. For the ones who want to sit around smoking dope, getting drunk, and talking wild extremisms, go somewhere else, as you will be denied here. So will non-Christians who apply.
Unfortunately, there are others out there who do take these rejects. We are asked quite often why is there so much disharmony between some different Klan groups? This is one reason. There are groups that take banished members, or ones who have been kicked out for violations of the constitution. In the old days when one got banished it was good throughout the Invisible Empire as it should be. Some today are trying so hard to grow and “be somebody” that they even take ones like this. Sad, but true. There are some who will also spend valuable time spreading slander and lies about others thinking that they can cause disharmony among the members of established groups and get some to quit and go join them. This is despicable in the eyes of a true Klansman. Any Klan group who will try and take members from others should never be considered as reputable. If they were doing the right things then people should already be applying to them. They are also building on a foundation of sand and theirs will never last.
There probably always will be strife between groups and that is a shame. Way too many will not accept what the majority of the group wants. Unfortunately in every group of people not everyone gets to have it their own way, or as they think it should be. This is the correct way to run an order. Majority rule without fear or favor. Ones who can’t accept this quit, and at times go join someone else and cause the same problems for them, eventually. One who is mainly concerned with self is not a true Klansman anyway and we really do not want them.
Here, we may not always do what is “popular” with some groups out there, but what we do we do as true Klansmen and as Christians. Being a Christian is not only saying some words but also living a life that is pleasing to God and “unpopular” with some at times. This is fine because God’s own Son, Jesus Christ was not “popular” with everyone all of the time either.
Some things here that we hold dear to our hearts are honor, trust, devotion, dedication, commitment, integrity, and valor. To dishonor any of these is to dishonor not only one’s self, but also this family and that will NOT be tolerated. You cannot strive to be the best with second place losers. Even when our people here fail at something, they do it honorably. They admit to their mistakes, correct them, and move on. They do not try and lay blame on others. This is refereed to as growth.
Here, we do not waste our valuable time going around to others sites and leaving nasty notes, or insulting their members, or spreading untruths on people. We are too busy trying to do something for others to waste time on such foolishness. There are some out there who make a careerer out of this. What they don’t realize is that the honorable Klan groups consult with each other and compare notes as to just who is doing what. Some doing such actions are usually referred to as the court jesters rather than Klansmen.
A member who has a concern with us is always encouraged to bring it to the attention of a higher ranking officer. These issues are recognized and studied by the Imperials. If a change needs to be made, then it is. However, change is done for the betterment of the ENTIRE group only and not just for one persons self indulgence. By taking the majority’s wishes into account then the whole is the better for it. When only one or two disagree with something then it is their sworn duty as a Klansman to try and make it work for the overall good of everyone. This goes for everyone from the newest member to the Imperial Wizard.
Another thing with the U.N.S.K. is that you are much more than a number. When you have problems this entire order will pull together to help you. You are not just one who pays dues and sits in the background. Your dues here go to the betterment of the entire order. Not one person here takes a dime from the dues. This money goes back into the group one way or another. Every penny is accounted for coming in and going out.
Being the best has it’s problems. One who strives on being all they can be is always under the scrutiny of those who can’t. That goes with the territory. We worry about what is going on with us, and let the rest do as they wish. Our alliances with those who can be trusted are very strong indeed because they know too of the integrity of the ones here. When something from us is promised, it is delivered. If it appears that I am bragging on the U.N.S.K., that is correct. Not because of me, but because of the great and wonderful hard working people who make up this family.